Division 1 Report, File 0000000000001.01.01
Birth date and place unknown, Seya Nogoro entered into Nogoro Clan (Golden Moon) records in 1816. The Nogoro, though Human, were in favour of adoption of yokai Lineages, particularly Kitsune if and when given the choice. Seya Nogoro is an example of that iconoclastic acceptance during the Rationalization of the Empire.
Seya (later Miwagami) Nogoro proved to be a gifted magical student, even compared to the established prowess of the Golden Moon’s Speakers. In 1831 Seya is recorded as holding the title of [redacted] - or Fire Commander - in Golden Moon histories. Though it was not evident at the time, it is now clear that Seya accelerated the Golden Moon’s mage cadre training well beyond the Clan’s traditional use of protective magics. By [redacted] the Golden Moon’s magical potency was an order of magnitude past what Clans Takahashi and Hojo had initially estimated during their search for an Imperial patsy.
During and after the Battle of Red Hills, period commentary tends to omit the absence of Golden Moon sorcerers from the conflict. This absence of an absence was first (materially) raised by [redacted] in [redacted], who was then [redacted]. There exists sufficient anecdotal and correlated evidence to support the intentional suppression of both Golden Moon activity and that lack of activity by the Empress in the decades following the establishment of the Court of the Moon.
At her ascension to the Imperial throne, Seya assumed the name Miwagami and had all records (publicly) changed to reflect the same. Her domestic policies are public record for the first est. 60 years of her reign, but after 1909 the documented connection between the Court of the Moon and the Directorate began to fail. Magister Koto is perceived to have gradually assumed domestic authority over day to day functions of the Empire during the period between 1912 and 1941, at the establishment of the first Legislature, after which Koto distanced himself from public record.
Miwagami first presented the person known as Fuyu as Consort in 1902 but the latter did not begin their rise in prominence until 1923. Fuyu’s political significance thereafter skyrocketed. By 1950 Fuyu was the recognized face of Empress Miwagami’s politics. By 1990, the influence of Miwagami was largely assumed to be by proxy under Fuyu. By 2050, the Empress’s public face had been written into legend, to be replaced by the presence of the Consort.
Seemingly intentionally obfuscated by the voice of the Consort and the bombastic direction of Prime Minister Otimaru, the Empress has not made a public appearance for nearly four decades. Her primary bodyguard, Yonshakudama, does remain a public figure in the city, and his unsubtle politics and antics give apparent comfort to the populace that Miwagami remains concerned with the temporal affairs and wellbeing of the Empire.