KTRG Intro
Kitchen Table Robot Games (let’s just call it KTRG) is a game designed to be played in person, with friends and family (ages 10+), with a bunch of toys and models, on the floor or a kitchen table. KTRG provides a set of simple rules for battling your toys in a few fun scenarios. The rules are easy to learn but challenging enough to keep everyone engaged.

Each toy or model – typically called a mech or a frame in KTRG – is given a set of stats that measure how fast, tough, and resourceful that mech is. Between 2 and 6 players divide themselves up into teams and assemble their army of frames. These armies then clash on the kitchen table in a battlefield, or arena, built by you from items you already have laying around the house like books, pots, boxes, and the cat. Games tend to last from 30 to 90 minutes depending on how many players there are and how big your armies are.

The Units
KTRG comes with 16 pre-designed sets of unit statistics, with varying degrees of power. You can play any unit with any toy or model, though you may want to line up their Size at least... Units are divided up by Size, and each Size category includes unit stats for a variety of “roles” that your mechs may play in the arena, from scouts, to main battle tanks, to high-speed fliers, to heavily defended APCs. Units each have a Cost, and players will build an army of units with a matching unit cost – but every player’s army can be very different within that limit.

The Rules
KTRG uses a d6 dice pool system based on stat ratings from 1-6, rolled against a target number of 5. The only modifiers are the Bonus and Penalty, which may add or subtract one die respectively. There’s no other rolling complications (like math) to get in the way of your fun.

the PDF
KTRG has an easy-to-print black and white layout, but also all the functional layout tools that you’d expect from a full (and more expensive!) game book. Navigation bookmarks, chapter references on each page, internal hyperlinks, and even an index, make the digital file easy and convenient to use. An Example of Play helps new players understand the system with basic maps and rolls laid out in a simple scenario.
It's free. Seriously. 50 pages of free robot smashing goodness. Why? Because Salty really wanted an excuse to play with his kitbashed models, so he designed this game and now it's out there and is totally funzo.